A downloadable game

In modern society, everything is or can be done online. While access to state-of-the-art technology and the internet can provide opportunities to enrich our lives, it also proves to be a place where iniquitous activities thrive. From the hidden horrors on the dark web, to the seemingly innocuous social media websites, the online world is a breeding ground for acts of deindividuation- like cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is defined as “…repeated behaviour, aimed at scaring, angering or shaming those who are targeted [through digital technologies]” (UNICEF). Victimization rates differ depend on region, and groups being surveyed. In one study, it was reported through United States data that of 1,200 children aged 6-17, “10% had experienced online bullying, 7% were bullied by phone, and 8% via text messages” (Bauman, 251). Using Twine, I decided to raise awareness of some different forms of cyberbullying from the perspective of the perpetrator. I use an interactive storyline to showcase how online communications can start as a harmless prank and develop to cyberbullying as well as some of the serious consequences for both bullies and their victims. For more information and tools on how to identify and prevent cyberbullying, check out stopbullying.gov. 


Digital Narrative (1).html 505 kB

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